Valensole, Lavender Fields in Provence


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Photo of Lavender Fields in Provence - Fine Art Prints

As I stood at the Valensole Plateau at the crack of dawn, I was surrounded by a serene and calming environment. The beauty of the surroundings was breathtaking, and it was hard to believe that I was in the midst of two bustling photography workshops and an Italian Fashion Shoot, complete with the buzzing of drones.

I couldn’t help but feel thankful for the moment of peace that I was experiencing, knowing that it wouldn’t be long until a rush of tourists would arrive. I must admit, the Valensole Plateau is an undeniably stunning place, especially in June and July when the lavender is in full bloom. It can be difficult to find a moment of peace amidst the crowds, but it truly is a photographer’s paradise and a wonderful place to visit. The image I captured on Fotospeed Platinum Baryta 300 is a masterpiece – the colors come to life, and it looks absolutely stunning when displayed on the wall.

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